Sasha & Patric & Josh & Camilla Too!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Vacation Pics

Vacation was WONDERFUL this year. There was no major fighting and I think everyone genuinely had a great time. It was so fun to watch all of the little cousins playing (fighting) together. I did not want to come home this year, and usually by the first day I question why I go on this trip every year.

Unfortunately, our camera was acting funny, so we didn't get that many great pictures, but here are some!

Eliza and Josh were adorable together the entire week. Here is some cuddling action.

This is Josh with three of my brother's kids, Azelin, Eliza and Cameron. Hudson is still too little to be in this picture.
He is on some great adventure here...finding buried treasure!
What can I say, the kid loves sand.
Patric and my nephew John hanging out in the ocean.
Just me and my little man.


Liz Chidester said...

That trip looked life fun. Good thing there was less drama this time. Hey how about you guys come visit us??? My kids start school in a couple weeks. By the way, Josh will be out there on Thursday. If he has time I'll tell him to stop by and say hello.

Taralyn said...

So fun! It's awesome Josh gets some good quality time with his cousins :) Dealing with family is worth it. haha :)

Anonymous said...

That last pic of you two is precious. :)