Before going down to Stafford, we had a trial run with Josh at home. We also decorated Easter eggs with him, hence the outfit we put him in. We didn't want him to wear his nice Easter clothes and dump dye on it.
Here are some pictures of the day--
On other news---
So I didn't have a miscarriage...I have an ectopic pregnancy. This means that the baby attached into somewhere other than the uterus...probably my right fallopian tube. They figured this out yesterday when I went to the doctor and my hormone levels had only dropped by 8 since the previous week...and I was rushed to radiology to get a better ultrasound machine. When she was doing the internal ultrasound she found a spot on my right side that was so painful. I didn't feel that pain at all through the two weeks I have been going through this hell...but she had to get good shots. She was a good sonographer!
So today I go to the doctor to get a shot of methotrexate, which is chemotherapy. I am hopeful that this will get rid of the cells in my tube and will be able to keep my tube from bursting. Now that I know I am a ticking time bomb it is kind of scary. I was working out hard core these past two weeks, not only to lose weight, but to just kinda get over what I am going through. It has been an emotional rollercoaster...depending on the time of day, I could be very positive or very lonely.
My doctor said I would have to wait 6 months to try to conceive again because the methotrexate kills off the hcg cells, but I have read online that it could be 3-6 months. I am hopeful that they will run tests at 3 months and if everything is clear that we can try then...which would be in line with when we wanted to try again away. The only thing I can think of as to why I had an ectopic pregnancy is because of scarring from my c-section with Josh. Hopefully this will not happen again!
My hcg levels are only at over 300, so that is good as well because there is not much in there that will need to be lowered with this shot. My levels were just over 600 when I started this my body did half of the just needs a little push to get the war done.
My friend Mary called me last night and we talked about blogging and everything...and she made a good point to me about blogging...that it is something to have for the future. I wish that I would have blogged more when Josh was first born...of course I was a little busy with a newborn...but I am trying to keep this more updated now...not only for us but also for family in Sweden!
I'm sorry about your ectopic pregnancy, Sasha. I'm sure it has been a difficult time for you. I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers. We all love you.
I'm so glad they found it! Heal up. We're thinking of you.
~I've been thinking about you all day..... and crying with you, friend. It'll be all right, Sasha. I have the feeling that big things are on the horizon for you guys. You are doing all the right things.....
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