Sasha & Patric & Josh & Camilla Too!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Calling

So yesterday Patric texted me while I was at a bridal shower to tell me that we were asked to meet with our Stake President on Sunday before church. I almost immediately knew what the calling would be for...but it was fun to speculate. We even discussed buying a bottle of vodka and hoping that President Price would feel the lack of spirit coming from us, and Patric admitting to a little word of wisdom problem...and calling made.

We didn't do that though...

Patric kept saying it could be a calling for me...but I knew it wasn't. I have been in my calling for just a year and it is a calling that you are in for awhile. Patric was due for a new calling...he has been in Young Men's for a long time. President Price asked Patric to meet with him was right. Then, after a few minutes, he asked me to join them.

Patric has been called to be the assistant ward clerk over finance. I told President Price that we were discussing this very calling the previous night and how funny it would be if he received it, because he hasn't written a check in over 6.5 years....but alas, my husband accepted the calling and has already been set apart.

I think he will enjoy being able to serve in this capacity and learn a bit more of what I do in my line of profession...

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