Sasha & Patric & Josh & Camilla Too!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


By the amount of food consumed, and the amount NOT left over, I believe I had a good Christmas party. Patric had been talking about having a party since before Thanksgiving, but I am not as big of a party thrower or giver (if you can believe that)...but since I love my husband and want to make him happy, I agreed to have a party.

It was a lot of fun! We had a lot of friends and family come and enjoy the Christmas spirit of friendship and fellowship. Some friends I havent seen in a long time, and others I see on a weekly basis.


My mom brought me more correspondence from IBM. Back story--they overpaid me in benefits back in 2004 and were asking for the overpaid benefits to be paid back. This was no small sum of money, and the money is all gone now...I called to talk to someone there, they couldnt do anything...told me to write to the IBM Plan Administrator. I did. Got the letter back stating there was nothing they could do, it was their fiduciary responsibility. Little did they know I was already talking to my brother's friend, who also happens to be a lawyer. He drew up a letter with fancy codes and words and sent it off to IBM. Our hope was that it would scare them enough to go away....since it was coming from a lawyer.

Its amazing that one little letter can take away that problem! I tried not to freak out about it too much really. They had given me 60 days to appeal their decision, so I was going to get through the holidays without dealing with it (which if you know me, items like this stress me out a lot and I do not like them looming over my head). I did talk to my brother's fancy lawyer friend and asked him to write up the letter (but resolved to the fact that it probably wouldnt do anything and that we would have yet another bill to pay monthly for the next 5 years....even though it was IBM's fault!)

My favorite line of the letter is "Ms. Andersson does not have to repay this amount." They sent fancy lawyer friend, Jeff Wigodsky from Karp Frosh, the letter and cc'd me...which went to my mom's house because they are morons and do not know how to update an address (I told them my address and wrote it on the letter...they STILL sent it to my mom 's house).

I went back in forth in my head as to whether I should open the letter or could put me in a foul mood right before my christmas party would get started...but I opened it and it was the great news.

Simply a Christmas miracle.

in other news--

Josh has taken to waking up around 715, coming into our bedroom and cuddling/falling asleep. It is nice to have my little man just relaxing every morning with us for a little bit.

We really do love our little boy!!

1 comment:

Kelli Brewer said...

Glad the party was a success! I am really disappointed I didn't get any meatballs though. Another time.

That's such a relief about IBM! I have such anxiety over that kind of stuff as well, so I can imagine what a blessing it is for sanity and finances to not have to deal with that anymore.